Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
Kahlil Gibran
Sympathetic, sound and full of positive, practical advice, this is an invaluable guide for all those facing the breakdown of their relationship.
Packed with relationship advice from Relate, the marriage guidance experts, Relate Guide To Staying Together: From Crisis to Deeper Commitment
by Susan Quilliam offers guidelines to help couples survive and grow through their relationship problems so that they need not separate and may maintain their commitment to each other. Case histories, quizzes and questionnaires show how this is possible and even how to make a partnership stronger. The book covers how to: –confront difficulties –understand your partner –re-negotiate an improved relationship –develop skills to make improvements last –assess when problems first appeared and how they developed –face changes –communicate and meet a partner’s needs –create good times –build on commitment and happiness.
Divorce & Splitting Up: A Complete Legal and Financial Guide (Which Essential Guides)
is a comprehensive guide to divorce, dissolution and separation. It offers practical assistance throughout the process for married couples, cohabiting couples or those in civil partnerships.
Splitting up is never easy. The emotional upheaval – especially when children are involved – the legal complexities and the financial implications make even the most amicable parting a demanding business. This indispensable guide by Claire Colbert considers, in clear, easy-to-follow language, what happens when couples divorce, how the situation differs for unmarried couples, and considers civil partnerships and the process of how these are dissolved.
Divorce & Splitting Up: A Complete Legal and Financial Guide (Which Essential Guides) is fully updated for 2010 with changes to the CSA. It also discusses ways of minimising unnecessary conflict and costs, explains how to choose a solicitor and when to go to court, and it examines the needs of children, advising on maintenance settlements, parental responsibility and legal rights. It also covers law and procedures in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Dr Bruce Fisher’s “divorce process rebuilding blocks” offer a proven, supportive nineteen-step process for putting one’s life back together after divorce. Built on more than two decades of research and practice, Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends (Rebuilding Books; For Divorce and Beyond)
reflects feedback from, and the experiences of hundreds of thousands of divorced men and women who have read and used Rebuilding – on their own, or in groups the book has spawned worldwide.
Almost everyone, at one time or another, is affected by a broken heart. But how can we cope with this most personal of traumas?
Here, world-famous hypnotist Paul McKenna and psychotherapist Dr Hugh Willbourn show the reader how to cope with the grief which can accompany the break-up of a relationship. I Can Mend Your Broken Heart is packed with simple, highly effective, practical techniques which will make you feel better fast, and bring about lasting change.
It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken: The Smart Girl’s Breakup Buddy
will help you get over anyone and move on. Author Greg Behrendt’s voice is unique – combining tell-it-like-it-is advice with humour and the ‘guy’s eye view’. The book is filled with solid advice to help you let go of your ex – for example: ‘It’s 3 am, the bottle of wine is empty, do you really want to make that call?’
Each insightful chapter is complemented with a Q-and-A with Behrendt on what he’s thinking, case studies, and games. Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt tackle tough issues such as break-up sex, how not to lose your friends during a break-up, and 10 great places to cry. It’s the ultimate read and reference for anyone who has ever been in a relationship.